In Missouri, there are generally two forms of probation – SIS probation and SES probation. SIS (Suspended Imposition of Sentence) probation is where a defendant pleads guilty to or is found guilty of a criminal offense, and then is placed on SIS probation for a fixed period of time. Once the offender successfully completes the probationary period with no new criminal charges and completes all the probation requirements, an SIS will not result in a conviction “showing” on a criminal record.
For example, if an individual pleads guilty to a Missouri misdemeanor charge, he or she may be placed on 2 year SIS probation. The probation may be bench probation, supervised by Missouri Probation and Parole, or supervised through a private probation agency. Furthermore, in many cases, the court will also require the defendant to complete certain programs and requirements by a specified date as a part of his or her probation. On alcohol and drug cases, probation requirements may include SATOP (Substance Abuse Traffic Offenders Program), VIP (Victim Impact Panel), ADEP (Adolescent Dependency Education Program), installation of the ignition interlock device, or driving school among other options the court may utilize. On theft cases, individuals often have to complete a theft offender’s program or community service as part of their probation. On assault cases or other violent crime cases, probation may require the offender to complete an anger management class or a psychological evaluation by a licensed provider. In some cases, probation may not include any of the aforementioned requirements, but rather simply be bench probation.
Each case in Missouri is different and each offender’s probation is unique to them. In any event, if you have received SIS probation in Missouri, in order to keep a conviction off your record, you must complete all the requirements of your probation, including paying all the appropriate fees, fines, and court costs.
If you or a loved one is facing a criminal charge in Missouri or have violated the terms of your probation, it is imperative to call an experienced St. Louis criminal defense and probation violation lawyer today. Criminal charges and probation violations in Missouri subject you to jail, a permanent criminal record, and hefty fines. Call our office today to schedule a free consultation.