A crime against property can encompass anything from robbery to burglary to property damage, among others. Property crimes are very serious charges and are aggressively prosecuted in the state of Missouri and Illinois. At Henderson Law Group, our property crimes attorneys can help you to learn more about your situation, the seriousness of it, and begin planning a strong defense on your behalf.
Property Crimes Overview
Bad Checks
Criminal Non-Support
Stealing and Larceny
Receiving Stolen Property
Property Damage
At Henderson Law Group, our attorneys believe in preparing every case as if it is going to trial. This allows us to fully understand every angle of the case and operate from a position of strength with prosecutors. Our lawyers will investigate whether an illegal search and seizure occurred. We will attempt to undermine the strength of the prosecutor’s case. We will go above and beyond to obtain the best possible outcome.
Our lawyers have represented countless of individuals facing a wide variety of property crimes, including stealing, burglary, bad checks, property damage, and others. Our reputation for success precedes us as we have a track record of obtaining exceptional results for our clients.
Being charged with a property crime can be harmful to your reputation and your future. If you or a loved one is charged with a property crime, it is imperative you immediately seek out the help from an experienced and aggressive St. Louis, Missouri criminal defense firm. Our lawyers will work to defend your freedom and protect your rights. Call us 24/7 to learn how our lawyers can help you out with your situation.
Under Missouri law, writing a bad check is essentially the act of presenting and using a check which you know will not be any good or knowing that you don’t have sufficient funds in your bank to cover the amount issued. If you have been charged with passing a bad check, it can cost you your freedom. Because passing a bad check is a serious crime, it is important that you seek the help of a qualified and skilled criminal defense attorney.
At Henderson Law Group, our check fraud defense attorneys understand the fears and uncertainty you may be facing if you have been charged with writing a bad check. This is precisely the reason we make sure to answer all your questions and stand by you every step of the way during the criminal process.
Whether you have been charged as a result of a simple mistake or because of a poor decision, the lawyers at Henderson Law Group will fiercely defend and protect your rights. Even if you believe you are guilty of a writing a bad check, it is important that you hire an experienced criminal defense attorney to secure the best possible outcome for you.
In Missouri, passing a bad check is a Class E felony if the amount of the check is more than $750.00, or if the check is from a bank or institution where you don’t have a valid account of any kind. If the check presented was for an amount under $750.00, then it is considered a Class A misdemeanor. If you have been charged with passing a bad check, misdemeanor or felony, you could be facing significant jail time, stiff fines, and court-ordered restitution to the victim.
Have you been arrested for burglary? Are you being investigated for burglary? If you answered yes to either of these questions, it is vital that you seek the immediate help of a qualified and skilled criminal defense attorney. A burglary conviction can have a devastating impact on your freedom and your future. At Henderson Law Group, we can help protect your rights and defend your freedom.
Burglary is often confused and misunderstood with robbery and theft. Frequently, individuals believe that burglary, robbery, and theft are the same charge and therefore are interchangeable terms. This is not true. Burglary, like robbery and theft, is a distinct and unique charge that requires certain elements of proof in order to gain a conviction.
In Missouri, all burglaries are felony crimes that carry severe punishments if convicted. Under Missouri law, burglary is either classified as burglary in the first degree of burglary in the second degree.
A person commits the crime of burglary in the second degree when he or she knowingly enters unlawfully or knowingly remains unlawfully in a building or inhabitable structure for the purpose of committing a crime therein. This is a Class C felony in Missouri.
A person may be charged with burglary in the first degree if he or she commits the crime of burglary in the second degree and additionally, the person is armed with a weapon; or the person causes or threatens injury to another person; or another person is present in the building or inhabitable structure. This is a Class B felony in Missouri.
A strong defense begins with an aggressive and thorough investigation of all the facts surrounding your arrest. In order to gain a conviction for burglary, the prosecution must prove many elements. At Henderson Law Group, our careful analysis of these issues could provide us with one or more possible defense strategies.
At Henderson Law Group, our criminal defense attorneys provide strong and aggressive defense against burglary charges for clients throughout Missouri and Illinois. We are committed to seeing that every client gets powerful representation and the best possible outcome. We are available 24/7 to discuss your specific case.
The duty to pay spousal support or child support is often a difficult obligation to meet each month given the current state of the job market and economy. Increasingly, individuals across Missouri are finding themselves in jail for failing to pay spousal support or child support. This doesn’t have to be you. If you are facing a criminal non-support charge, you need an aggressive St. Louis criminal non-support attorney who will fight for you.
In Missouri, a person commits the crime of non-support if he or she knowingly fails to provide, without good cause, adequate support for his or her spouse. A parent commits the crime of non-support if such parent knowingly fails to provide, without good cause, adequate support which such parent is legally obligated to provide for his or her child or stepchild who is not otherwise emancipated by operation of law.
Criminal non-support can be charged as a misdemeanor or felony offense. Criminal non-support is a Class A misdemeanor, unless the total arrearage is in excess of an aggregate of twelve monthly payments due under any order of support issued by the court or any authorized administrative agency, in which case it is a Class E felony.
Whether you have been charged with misdemeanor or felony non-support, you are facing serious consequences, which may include a period of incarceration, stiff fines, restitution, and probation.
There are many possible defenses to a criminal non-support charge. Under Missouri law, an individual may demonstrate “good cause” to defeat a charge of criminal non-support. Good cause can include any substantial reason why he or she is unable to provide adequate support. At Henderson Law Group we will carefully and thoroughly investigate all the facts of your case to find our best defense.
Whether you have been unable to pay your support obligation or simply ignored your obligation, the St. Louis criminal non-support lawyers of Henderson Law Group will vigorously protect your rights and defend your freedom. Contact our office today for a free consultation.
If you have been charged with misdemeanor or felony stealing, the St. Louis stealing defense lawyers of Henderson Law Group can help. We start each case by carefully and thoroughly examining all the facts to determine the basis on which we can fight the shoplifting or retail theft charge. We will determine if the store has evidence that you actually intended to steal the item. We will also determine whether the store has violated your constitutional rights by illegally searching you. No matter what the facts are surrounding your specific situation, Henderson Law Group will vigorously defend and protect your rights.
Misdemeanor theft occurs when the value of the property or services is less than $750. If the value of the goods is less than $750 but more than $100, an individual will be charged with a class A misdemeanor of stealing. If the goods or services is less than $100, an individual will be charged with a class D misdemeanor stealing offense. The penalty for a misdemeanor theft conviction can range from 1 day to 1 year in jail, and a fine up to $2,000.00.
Felony theft occurs when the value of the property or services is valued at $750.00 or more. Missouri law has two different classifications of felony theft. If the value of the property or services is valued between $750 and $25,000, it is considered class D felony stealing. If the value of the property or services is valued at more than $25,000, it is considered Class C felony theft. Felony stealing carries a penalty of potentially 10 years in prison and a fine of up to $10,000.
A fourth offense of stealing, no matter what the value of the property or services, is considered a Class E Felony, unless the specific crime committed is already a more severe criminal offense.
Contact the St. Louis stealing and theft lawyers of Henderson Law Group today for a free consultation. We can help you understand your theft charge and what the potential outcome may be. At Henderson Law Group, we will ensure that your rights have not been violated and afford you the best possible outcome.
A receiving stolen property charge is a very serious charge that can have serious consequences. If convicted for receiving stolen property, you may face jail time, severe fines, restitution, and probation. If you have been arrested for receiving stolen property, it is important that you seek the help of a skilled and knowledgeable criminal defense attorney.
In Missouri, a person commits the crime of receiving stolen property if he or she receives, retains, or disposes of property of another knowing that it has been stolen, or believing that it has been stolen.
In order for the prosecution to gain a conviction for receiving stolen property, they must prove that an individual knew that the property had been stolen, or the person believed that it was stolen. Frequently, a person is simply unaware that the property he or she received was stolen, yet they may be facing severe consequences for their innocent actions. Whether this is true in your particular case or whether you did in fact know the property that you received was stolen, Henderson Law Group will aggressively fight to minimize the consequences of your charge.
Depending on the nature and value of the property involved, an individual charged with receiving stolen property may be facing a misdemeanor offense or a felony offense. Under either classification, a receiving stolen property charge may subject you to jail time, stiff fines, restitution, and probation. In addition to any court-mandated sentence, a receiving stolen property charge may also adversely affect your employment, career opportunities, and educational aspirations. It is important for you to consult with a skilled and aggressive criminal defense attorney today to understand your rights and what may happen to you.
Contact the criminal defense attorneys of Henderson Law Group today for a free consultation and to learn how the law applies to your specific charge of receiving stolen property. We are available 24/7 to fight for you.
A destruction of property charge can be classified either as a misdemeanor or a felony depending on the amount of damage. In either case, it is important to hire an experienced and knowledgeable attorney to mount a vigorous defense on your behalf. A property damage charge can carry with it jail time, fines, and restitution.
An individual will be charged with property damage in the first degree, a Class E felony, when the alleged damage is more than $750. However, an individual can be charged with a Class D felony of property damage in the first degree if he or she knowingly damages a motor vehicle of another while making entry into the motor vehicle to commit the offense of stealing. Property damage in the second degree includes any amount of damage less than $750 and is a Class B misdemeanor.
While a felony charge is a more serious charge than a misdemeanor, a misdemeanor destruction of property charge can also carry with it some serious consequences. It is critical that you hire an experienced St. Louis, Missouri property damage lawyer to defend your interests from the outset. Our attorneys will work tirelessly to mitigate the consequences a property damage charge can have on you.
If you have been charged with either a felony or misdemeanor property damage charge, it is critical that you hire an experienced law firm to assist you from the start. Call us today for a free consultation and to learn how our attorneys can help you with your case.
If you are being investigated or have been charged with any property-related offense, it is vital that you seek aggressive and skilled representation from the outset. The lawyers at Henderson Law Group stand ready to defend your freedom. Call 314.645.4400 today to schedule a free consultation.