In today’s society, it is becoming more common for a parent, a boyfriend, a step-parent, a babysitter, or a sibling to be charged with child abuse or neglect. A single accusation of abuse made by a child or another person is often sufficient for an investigator or police officer to arrest someone for child abuse in Missouri. An accusation of child abuse can have a devastating impact on your life and your future. If you or a loved one has been charged with child abuse, it is imperative that you immediately seek the help of a skilled and qualified St. Louis child abuse lawyer.
At Henderson Law Group, we represent individuals facing a wide variety of charges involving a child, including:
In Missouri, like most other states, charges of child abuse are extremely serious and have significant consequences if convicted. This may include incarceration, court-mandated treatment, and stiff fines. Nearly all crimes involving a child are charged as a felony in the state of Missouri, which means that your freedom is at jeopardy. If you have been charged with child abuse, the criminal defense attorneys of Henderson Law Group will vigorously fight the charges and attempt to mitigate the consequences.
Unfortunately, you may find yourself charged with child abuse based on a single accusation or a misguided interpretation of your conduct. Maybe someone accused you of child abuse to gain an advantage in a child custody case or a divorce proceeding. Perhaps you were disciplining your child and an observer believed otherwise.
Despite the circumstances surrounding your case, the St. Louis criminal defense attorneys of Henderson Law Group will carefully and thoroughly investigate all the facts and circumstances surrounding the accusations of child abuse. We will scrutinize the records of Child Protective Services. If necessary, we will employ the services of other professionals, such as psychiatrists and psychologists. From day one, we will work tirelessly to obtain the best possible result for you.
Often when an individual is being investigated for child abuse, neglect, or sexual misconduct involving a child, the Missouri Department of Social Services (also commonly referred to as DFS or Division of Family Services) can file a separate action apart from the criminal case. These two cases are completely independent and apart from one another and have no bearing on the other case. The St. Louis child abuse and neglect attorneys at Henderson Law Group have successfully defended clients in front of Family Services Child Abuse and Neglect Review Board (CANRB) and have also represented clients in appealing the CANRB decision.
If you are facing a charge of child abuse, call our criminal defense lawyers today to learn how the law applies to your situation. At Henderson Law Group, we will immediately begin to investigate your case. We will aggressively and effectively fight to obtain the best possible result for you. We offer free consultations and are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.