Henderson Law Group represents drivers who were ticketed or arrested for traffic offenses throughout the St. Louis metropolitan area and the state of Missouri, including the following traffic violations:
Should I just pay the fine and plead guilty to the traffic citation?
While it may seem easier to simply mail in the fine or show up to court and plead guilty to the traffic offense, it will have a very negative impact on your driving record. In Missouri, pleading guilty to a speeding ticket or any other traffic violation will result in points being assessed against your license. The accumulation of points may result in suspension or revocation of your license and increased insurance rates.
Will Henderson Law Group keep me from getting points assessed against my license?
In most cases, YES! The lawyers of Henderson Law Group will aggressively fight to prevent points being assessed against your license by either vigorously defending against the charge or by negotiating with the prosecutor to obtain a better deal when appropriate; a deal that doesn’t include points being assessed against your license.
Can I afford to hire a lawyer?
The question should be, can you really afford not to hire a lawyer. By hiring a lawyer, you typically will not have to appear in court. You will save significant expense and hassle by hiring a lawyer and will not have to take off from work or school to appear in court.
Will I have to go to court?
In most cases, you will not have to physically appear in court. By hiring Henderson Law Group, we will appear in court on your behalf.
How much will my ticket cost me?
In most cases, a traffic violation will carry with it certain fines and court costs that you will have to pay. However, Henderson Law Group will vigorously fight to minimize the fine that is assessed against you.
How do I hire the lawyers of Henderson Law Group to handle my traffic ticket?
In most cases you can hire the lawyers of Henderson Law Group without having to appear at our office. First, start by calling or emailing Henderson Law Group. Then, we will request certain information from you. Lastly, the lawyers of Henderson Law Group will begin representation on your case and stay in frequent contact with you regarding the case, including the final disposition.
Contact the criminal defense lawyers of Henderson Law Group today for a free consultation and to learn how the law applies to your specific charge. We will work tirelessly to prevent you from serving any jail time, while minimizing the damage that can result from a driving while suspended/revoked charge. We understand the serious nature of a driving while suspended/revoked charge and that is why we are available 24/7.