A charge of sexual misconduct is a very serious charge that requires aggressive and experienced legal representation from the outset. The St. Louis sexual misconduct attorneys at Henderson Law Group can advise and assist you as to the best approach to aggressively defend a charge of sexual misconduct.
Criminal charges for sexual misconduct are aggressively pursued in the state of Missouri by prosecutors. A conviction of sexual misconduct in the first degree is considered a class B misdemeanor and carries a possible sentence of up to six months in the county jail. Sexual misconduct in the second degree is considered a class C misdemeanor. However, a charge for sexual misconduct in Missouri can be elevated to a felony in certain situations. One situation where a sexual misconduct charge be can charged as a felony is if the sexual misconduct allegation involves a child victim. In this situation, the offense is considered a class E felony.
At Henderson Law Group, our sexual misconduct attorneys prepare each case from the outset as if it is proceeding to trial. Of course, not all cases proceed to trial, but at Henderson Law Group, P.C. we believe in negotiating from a position of strength rather than weakness. Ultimately, if the prosecution is not extending a favorable plea offer to our client, we are always prepared to proceed to a jury trial on a sexual misconduct charge.
If you are being investigated or have been charged with any sex-related offense, it is vital that you seek aggressive and skilled representation from the outset. The lawyers at Henderson Law Group stand ready to defend your freedom. Call our office today to schedule a free consultation.