In Missouri and Illinois and most of the United States, prostitution, solicitation, and patronizing a prostitute is a crime. Throughout Missouri and Illinois, law enforcement agencies have been far more aggressive in not only arresting but also prosecuting individuals charged with prostitution and solicitation. Law enforcement officers throughout Missouri and Illinois frequently conduct sting operations, particularly in relation to undercover Backpage or other online advertisements or undercover police officers posing as a prostitute.
Whether you have been falsely accused or simply made a poor decision, the prostitution defense lawyers of Henderson Law Group will aggressively fight the charges and protect your reputation. We understand that an individual charged with prostitution or solicitation may be embarrassed and afraid that your loved ones or employer may find out.
Whether you were caught up in a sting operation or simply in the wrong place at the wrong time, Henderson Law Group can help. Our criminal defense lawyers understand that innocent citizens, often with no prior criminal charges, can find themselves falsely accused and arrested for solicitation of a prostitute for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Frequently, an individual simply having a conversation with a prostitute or rejecting a prostitute’s advances may find themselves arrested. No matter what the circumstances were surrounding your arrest, we will vigorously defend you against the criminal charges.
Prostitution and solicitation are serious charges that can have significant consequences. In addition to possible jail time and fines, a prostitution or solicitation charge may severely impact your reputation, your ability to find employment, and your relationship with loved ones. If you have been charged with prostitution or solicitation, it is vital that you seek the assistance of a skilled and aggressive criminal defense attorney to help minimize the potential consequences.
The penalties and consequences for prostitution charges and solicitation charges can be serious, and include the following:
If you are being investigated or have been charged with any sex-related offense, it is vital that you seek aggressive and skilled representation from the outset. The lawyers at Henderson Law Group stand ready to defend your freedom. Call our office today to schedule a free consultation.