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Missouri Harassment Defense Attorney

If you have been arrested or charged under the Missouri harassment statute, you need a knowledgeable and experienced criminal defense attorney on your side. Our St. Louis harassment criminal defense lawyers can provide you with the vigorous defense you need to combat a charge of harassment or electronic harassment. Attorney Mick Henderson, Managing Partner of Henderson Law Group, is a recognized authority on the Missouri harassment statute. Not only has Mick represented individuals charged under the new Missouri statute, but he has also extensively studied, researched, and written about the new statute. One of Mick’s articles has been published in the Missouri Law Review, which is one of the oldest legal publications west of the Mississippi, first published in 1936. His article focuses on the new Missouri harassment statute and discusses recent court decisions, legislative acts, and provides an in-depth analysis of the new statute.

What is Harassment?

A person can be charged with the crime of harassment in the second degree if he or she, without good cause, engages in any act with the purpose to cause emotional distress to another person.  Harassment in the second degree is a class A misdemeanor.  If the individual’s act or actions actually cause emotional distress to another person, the charge can be elevated to a class E felony.  A class E felony carries with it a maximum term of imprisonment of up to four years and/or up to a $10,000 fine.

Contact the St. Louis Harassment Lawyers of Henderson Law Group

In Missouri, a harassment charge carries the potential for significant jail time, stiff fines, and a period of probation. If you have been charged with harassment in the state of Missouri, you need a qualified and experienced criminal defense attorney to protect your rights and defend your freedom. At Henderson Law Group, our St. Louis criminal defense attorneys will aggressively and effectively represent you to obtain the best possible result. We offer free consultations and are available 24/7.