If you are at risk of losing your administrative license, you need to act quickly.
Often the careers of professionals are put at risk due to a run in with the criminal justice system or other reported mishaps. Missouri has many different administrative boards that can take action against an individual that holds a license issued by that specific board. For instance, if a nurse has been caught under the influence of marijuana or committing an act of dishonesty the Missouri Board of Nursing may impose some type of disciplinary action on the nurse’s license. Obviously, that license is what secures that nurses income and needs to be protected at all costs.
The administrative hearing commission is the parent body of administrative boards and will oversee any hearings which cannot be resolved at the board level. Henderson Law Group will defend allegations against you by the following licensing boards:
As mentioned above, criminal charges against you may result in action by your licensing board. It is imperative that both your licensing action and the criminal matter be handled with care to vigorously defend against any criminal penalties and mitigate the effects on your professional license, which may include strict probation, suspension, or revocation of your license. Therefore, it is important to contact an aggressive and experienced criminal defense and administrative hearing lawyer that can handle your licensing action and your criminal charge.
The attorneys at Henderson Law Group practice regularly in criminal courts around the greater St. Louis area and can provide an experienced and skilled defense team to protect your rights and your administrative license. Call 314-645-4400 to set up your free consultation. Our lawyers are available 24/7.