In Missouri, the law distinguishes between assault and domestic assault. Domestic assault laws apply when the victim is a family or household member or an adult who is or has been in a continuing social relationship of a romantic or intimate nature with the alleged perpetrator. Domestic assault can be a misdemeanor or felony crime depending on the specific circumstances surrounding your case. Whether you have been charged with misdemeanor domestic assault or felony domestic assault, you are facing a significant legal problem that requires the immediate help of a qualified and experienced St. Louis domestic assault lawyer.
There are varying degrees of domestic assault offenses ranging from first degree down to fourth degree. Accordingly, domestic assault can be charged as high as a class A felony all the way down to a class A misdemeanor. A conviction can result in prison or jail time, court-ordered batterers’ intervention classes or anger management classes, probation and limitations on the right to own or possess a firearm. Subsequent offenses and offenses involving serious violence and injury are likely to be charged as felonies and carry far greater consequences.
Domestic violence cases are often associated with the dissolution of a relationship. In divorce proceedings or child custody disputes, one spouse may fabricate or exaggerate domestic assault accusations to gain leverage. Often, an individual may be charged with domestic assault as a result of one spouse filing for an ex parte order of protection.
Whether you have been falsely accused or simply made a poor decision in the heat of the moment, the St. Louis domestic assault attorneys of Henderson Law Group will aggressively protect your rights and defend your freedom. We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and offer free consultations. Call us today to learn how the law applies to your specific situation.