In criminal case, particularly felony cases, the judge may request that a Sentencing Assessment Report be prepared to help guide and determine the judge for the appropriate sentence. The Sentencing Assessment Report is intended to provide the Court with information regarding risk and related factors necessary in the determination of an appropriate sentencing decision. The report will include various bits of information regarding the defendant, such as the defendant’s risk level, based on the nature and severity of the offense, prior criminal history, and other relevant factors. The report will also include information regarding the impact the offense had on the victim.
A Sentencing Assessment Report also provides information to the Court regarding available department programs and resources necessary to support the court’s sentencing decision and effectively manage the defendant’s risk level. The report also includes parole release eligibility based on the sentence structure and the Sentencing Commission’s risk assessment.
The report is used by the Department of Corrections to help it aid in assessment, supervision, and management of the defendant. The Sentencing Assessment Report is important part of the sentencing process as it provides valuable and useful information to the Court for its consideration in the sentence decision-making process.