If you have been served with a Missouri ex parte child order of protection, it is vital that you seek an experienced and aggressive St. Louis child protective order lawyer today. In Missouri, it is very easy for the mother or father of your child to file a child order of protection against you. In fact, it is as simple as walking into the courthouse and completing the necessary forms. In order of protection cases involving children, Missouri judges will typically error on the side of caution and enter an ex parte order of protection.
An ex parte child order of protection means that once the judge signs the documents, you can no longer be around or near or communicate with your child until a hearing is held. After an ex parte child order of protection is entered against you and you have been served, a hearing is usually held within two weeks to determine whether a full order of protection will be ordered. At the hearing, you will have an opportunity to present your side of the story and cross-examine the complaining party.
It is not uncommon for the father or mother of your child to file a child protective order alleging child abuse or even sexual abuse against you because they are mad at you or because of your history with the child’s mother or father. Even if a child protective order has no merit, it is imperative to seek out an experienced child protective lawyer because the stakes are incredibly high. If a full child order of protection is entered against you, it may result in you not being able to see or communicate with your children for one year or even longer.
At Henderson & Waterkotte, P.C., our lawyers will aggressively attempt to undermine the complaining party’s version of events through cross-examination, argument to the court, and the presentation of evidence. If you or a loved one has been served with an ex parte child order of protection, please call our office today to schedule a free consultation.