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When is the 4th Amendment Applied? – Non-Coverage of Place

Non-Coverage of Place (Other Country)

As previously discussed, the 4th Amendment protects US citizens from unreasonable searches and seizures. There are 10 categories with various subcategories to acknowledge when contemplating applicability of the 4th Amendment.


  1. Non-Coverage of Place (Other Country)
  2. Open Fields v. Curtilage
  3. Thermal Imaging Device (Heat Leaving Premises; Bodies Moving Inside Home)
  4. Abandoned Property
  5. Information in Law Enforcement Database
  6. Government v. Private Action
  7. No Expectation of Privacy (Key in Lock)
  8. Information from Utility and Phone Companies
  9. Grand Jury Subpoenas or Prosecutor’s Investigative Subpoenas
  10. Non-Coverage of Person of Defendant (Standing)


Non-coverage of place in another country is relevant when evidence found outside of the United States is used to prove a crime being prosecuted in the United States. Both Brulay v. US (1967) and US v. Verdugo Urquidez (1990) found evidence procured outside of the United States to be unlawful under the 4th Amendment.

In other words, if you are being prosecuted for a crime with evidence found outside of the United States, you have standing to evoke your 4th Amendment rights.

St. Louis, Missouri Search & Seizure Attorneys

If you or a loved one is victim to an unlawful search or seizure, contact Henderson|Waterkotte, P.C. to protect your 4th Amendment rights. We are a 24/7 law firm to better defend our clients.